The Importance of Printer Maintenance

In the office, one of the best ways to prevent down-time, is to prevent malfunction of equipment by properly maintaining it. While something as simple as keeping the printer off and covered while not in use could not only extend the life of your printer, but make sure that quality is most consistent. Keeping your device free from dust and debris will extend its life by alleviating it from stressing and eventually malfunctioning.


Most user manuals will have a guide outlining proper techniques and frequency for cleaning techniques. For inkjet printers, clean the heads gently with a cloth. Never use a tissue or alcohol, as these have the likelihood of ruining your machine. Keeping the ink from drying out can prevent multiple problems. Keep your printer fresh with regular use by printing several times a month.

Accidents can happen anywhere, but don’t let a small road-bump turn into a catastrophe.


Accidents can happen anywhere, but don’t let a small road-bump turn into a catastrophe. If paper gets jammed, make sure to apply steady pressure and not to force a jam free. Getting physical with your machine could easily lead to bigger problems with the internal mechanics. If ink is spilled, do not vacuum, but wipe clean with a warm damp cloth.

By following some simple ground rules your organization can utilize the printer well past its expected lifetime.

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